Recently I've taken a little break from all things.... Technological.. For use of a better phrase.
Initially I thought that if I had some time, my stories would flow more, images would come to mind, stories I would want to share would be itching to be released from my ever tapping fingertips.
I was pretty much right (happens a lot really...)
Another thing that I realised, which to be completely honest I wasn't expecting, was just how much I missed writing. How much I missed the challenge of creating something new. Something individual. Something just for me....
So although I do have a million and one little stories to share.. I'll save them up and share them with you oh so very soon..
In the meantime, I'll leave you with these little images that are making me smile..
Squawking Geese that make me giggle.
Sunny Happy Daffodils..
Baking with my amazing birthday present..
And pretty kitty's who inspire stories..