Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spinach and Feta Pie

Two of my best friends are currently driving across America.

I realise that Spinach and Feta Pie has nothing to do with America. But the custom of making a pie does.

Recently I discovered a recipe from a very quaint West Australian cafĂ©, Boucla, in a magazine. A recipe for Spanakopita.

Now I certainly cannot correctly pronounce Spanakopita. Not as well as it sounds in my mind anyway! So I'm going with Spinach and Feta Pie. A loose translation..

So what does this Greek, Spanakopita Pie have to do with America? 

Two things. 

The heavily American 'accented' texts I was receiving, from said travelling friends, as I was reading the recipe.. Making me laugh out loud, and acquire strange stares from fellow patrons.
Secondly the action of making a pie, and by default, leaving it to cool on the back table.

And to the latter, my housemate laughed. 

Like, actually out loud at me when it happened.

''So typically American!'' She laughed, as I placed it on the table and then hastily took it back inside for fear of flies, bees and further ridicule.

Well for one the pie is Greek. And two. Well there isn't a two. It's just that any argument sounds better with a backup.

So here I share with you, the salty delicious-ness of the Spanakopita Pie, originally from Boucla, translated and Callie-fied into the Spinach and Feta Pie.

Version One. Spanakopita Pie.

Or if you're more into the individual mini pies..

Spinach and Feta Pie

  • 500gms Baby Spinach
  • 500gms Danish Feta crumbled
  • Half a bunch of Spring Onions chopped thinly
  • Generous pinch or two of Pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • Dash of lemon juice (to de-bitter the Spinach and Onions)
  • Sheet of Puff Pastry plus whisked Egg to brush on top.
  • Sesame Seeds for sprinkling to look pretty optional

Place Spinach, Feta, Spring Onions, Pepper and 4 eggs in a big bowl. Mix to combine all ingredients. Place in pie dish (dependant on dish you may need to grease the bottom) cover with Puff Pastry, and brush with whisked Egg. Sprinkle Sesame Seeds.

Cover loosely with Alfoil and bake in a Preheated Oven of 180degrees for 15minutes. Then remove Alfoil and continue to bake for 20-25mins, or until top is golden and crunchy.


Originally this recipe was for double all ingredients, but I didn't feel the need for such a large pie.. Nor do I have a pie dish big enough! 

*Side note two, whilst re-baking this recipe I decided to try it in mini pie format... And to be honest, I prefer it! Mini pies made by quartering puff pastry, placing the wet ingredients in the middle, then slicing small cuts into the four corners and sides. Then wrapping it up like a parcel.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


heavy clouds.
soft floating clouds.
clouds full and bursting.
ever changing.
clear clouds.
picture clouds.
clouds that drift.
clouds that fly.

Clouds take my imagination. They take it away to a place where Care Bears live. Where wishing chairs fly and magic trees grow wild. Where beanstalks climb and harps sing...

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