Friday, February 1, 2013


Some of the earliest memories I have from when I was a youngster, are of my Mum and Aunty Marnzas singing and dancing in the tiny kitchen of Marnzas' blue house in Eneabba.  They would pull Katie and I into the middle of the room and twirl us around, all the while, belting out Dolly Parton hits.

Good old Dolly.  She was never far away in my childhood, tapes in the car, books on the shelf. It's safe to say Katie and I knew quite a few Dolly tunes off by heart by the time we grew up.

So, when I heard that Miley Cyrus had covered Jolene in backyard session.. I wasn't too impressed. 

I seem to be sort of funny about old things being re done all new and outrageous.. I realise how old this makes me sound. But seriously, the Sense and Sensibility Zombie books?? What were they??

But you know what? I freakin LOVE this kids cover.  I might not love her like I love Flo, (why did she ever cut the bun off??) and she might be engaged to my major crush (if only I was younger, singler and got to Summer Bay before he did that movie) but I REALLY like this cover. Like, really really.

And since I took no interesting photo's this week (minus the pictures of my cat.. and even that's stretching 'interesting') I decided to share with you this joyus little melody.  One of my favourite songs, actually covered really well... If you hate it, don't judge me!

Happy Friday!
