Thursday, February 20, 2014

100 Happy Days, Day 5

Today whilst shopping in the city, I was happily perusing unaffordable items along King Street, when I heard a guy happily laugh into the phone and respond to his friend, "Well what would your Drag Queen name be then?"

I actually laughed out loud. 

I enjoyed that so much. Even more than my 7pm glass of red. And my dear friends, THAT is saying something!!

I would really like to go back to that moment and tell that guy my name is apparently Dallas Glitter-Tush. According to the Drag Queen Name Generator anyway!

What's yours??


ps, if I chose it myself I think it would be Bambi Cherry-Lips...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

100 Happy Days, Day 4

So, being down south this weekend threw my blogging plans out the window.. And while I found many moments throughout the days to be grateful for.. (Spending time with family always make me happy!) I think this just about sums up the last four days. Can I claim Day 4 as a four day period....? Well, I'm going too anyway! 

We all need a little more kindness in our lives!

Friday, February 14, 2014

100 Happy Days, Day 3

There have been so many happy moments in today that I absolutely could not pick just one.  

Coffee dates with my bestie, Pilates giggles with my new friends, Valentines Day wine from my handsome fiancĂ©, making dough for our Valentines pie while my baby giggles at me...

But, the best part of a very happy day though, has been all the reactions I've received from sending out James's first Valentine's Day cards.  We sent out 8 special cards on Tuesday.  Eight cards foot printed by my little man, and love noted inside.  And in some special circumstances, mate noted!

The Thank You texts and pictures I've received today, have sent an enormous happy grin across my face.  I love that sometimes you feel happiest when you've made others happy.

What a wonderful day..

Happy Valentines Day!!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

100 Happy Days, Day 2

There isn't much in the world that makes me feel happier than spending time with family. I feel so lucky to have such a large and loving family as I do. Especially this lady. I would be lost without her.

And my little man. Doesn't he just make the world a happier place with that smile? 

So so lucky.


100 Happy Days, Day 1

Discovering old family photos.. Like this one of my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather's wedding. I love how most of their guests look so typically subdued in the photo, as was the fashion at the time.. Except my Great Grandmother, who has a gorgeous happy smile across her face. What a sweet start to my 100 Happy Days.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

100 Happy Days

It's inevitable that currently over social media, you're bound to run into the term '100 Happy Days'. 

To be honest, I don't really know the main concept behind it. I don't know who invented it.. Was it the lady off that Sunrise interview I caught a couple of weeks ago..? I'm not sure. But I quite like the idea of it.

Anything that encourages searching for the Joy in life.. The Happy Days in life! Seems like a great idea to me.

Instead of joining the hoards flooding Instagram and Facebook, I decided to re ignite my enthusiasm for all things blog related, and post my happy days here instead.

Because lets me honest. Happy Days are the best kind! 

I hope your day was Happy too.
