Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Strong v Skinny

Nobody likes feeling fat.

It's that horrible slothy feeling coming from when we indulge too much, are too lazy to exercise and end up spending more time perfecting the spot on the couch than actually stretching our legs..

I've never really been an over exerciser.  Frankly, I've never really been exercise-y at all.. I have trouble catching a ball, and my love for cake far out weighs (pardon the pun...) my love for sport. 

But sadly, there comes a time in your late 20's when your metabolism decides eating a block of chocolate and drinking half a bottle of wine in one night is no longer a good idea.  The calories start to matter in a way that you'd never thought of before, and the worry sets in.

Obviously parts of the media hype about having the 'perfect' figure can be hard to deal with.  Clothes are only made to be worn on a certain size.. And going to the beach is more of an awkward Bridget Jones sheet/towel dance than actually being relaxing..

So. I've decided being super skinny isn't for me.  Neither is, as a family member recently pointed out to me, the difference between being fat and 'carrying a little'.

I've decided to be fit. And strong.

I've decided being strong, is better than being obsessed with my waist line.

At this point I'd like to point out that I am not clinically over weight. I am just under my BMI.. Just.. Thanks Christmas. And I do exercise.. Lightly.. Sometimes just very lightly.. Even so, this doesn't exactly mean that I feel happy everytime I look in the mirror.

But in all seriousness, I'm tired of thinking about my weight.  I'm tired of justifying it either to myself, or feeling like I have to explain the size of my jeans to people.

So instead of all of this.. I've decided to become strong. Not super skinny.
Which apart of, means finally, accepting that being strong means having a balanced lifestyle.  It's not all starving yourself, or becoming an exercise freak. Which I never could quite achieve, even with years of kinda trying.

To me, it means having an even balance.

Balancing my eating with my moving. Even if it means catching a ball every now and again.  I've started walking every day, and on the off day attempting to run too.  I've started eating more vegetables than bread.  And, re started my personal training. In which my trainer has kindly included ball skills, just for my benefit.

I feel like a part of all of this is acknowledging growing up too.  I can't be 19 forever (as much as that kills me) and there are plans for my future where having a healthy body could make all the difference.

I really feel that 2013 is the year of growing up.  I feel like I need to move, make change. Make choices.  Big ones.

Including being strong.   

Cutting alcohol out completely and forcing myself to exercise every minute are not going to work.  I need to want to do this. I need to want to grow up.

Which I do.

I promise not to go all before and after photo's on you.  This isn't a public weight loss regime. Nor do I promise to have all the answers on life and exercise.  Merely just my thoughts on how I feel. And I finally feel like exercise is becoming a part of life, instead of a chore in life.

Who'd of thought hey? 


ps, I had to google how to spell exercise - if that isn't proof of not being exercise-y at all for you! 

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