Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spinach and Feta Pie

Two of my best friends are currently driving across America.

I realise that Spinach and Feta Pie has nothing to do with America. But the custom of making a pie does.

Recently I discovered a recipe from a very quaint West Australian cafĂ©, Boucla, in a magazine. A recipe for Spanakopita.

Now I certainly cannot correctly pronounce Spanakopita. Not as well as it sounds in my mind anyway! So I'm going with Spinach and Feta Pie. A loose translation..

So what does this Greek, Spanakopita Pie have to do with America? 

Two things. 

The heavily American 'accented' texts I was receiving, from said travelling friends, as I was reading the recipe.. Making me laugh out loud, and acquire strange stares from fellow patrons.
Secondly the action of making a pie, and by default, leaving it to cool on the back table.

And to the latter, my housemate laughed. 

Like, actually out loud at me when it happened.

''So typically American!'' She laughed, as I placed it on the table and then hastily took it back inside for fear of flies, bees and further ridicule.

Well for one the pie is Greek. And two. Well there isn't a two. It's just that any argument sounds better with a backup.

So here I share with you, the salty delicious-ness of the Spanakopita Pie, originally from Boucla, translated and Callie-fied into the Spinach and Feta Pie.

Version One. Spanakopita Pie.

Or if you're more into the individual mini pies..

Spinach and Feta Pie

  • 500gms Baby Spinach
  • 500gms Danish Feta crumbled
  • Half a bunch of Spring Onions chopped thinly
  • Generous pinch or two of Pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • Dash of lemon juice (to de-bitter the Spinach and Onions)
  • Sheet of Puff Pastry plus whisked Egg to brush on top.
  • Sesame Seeds for sprinkling to look pretty optional

Place Spinach, Feta, Spring Onions, Pepper and 4 eggs in a big bowl. Mix to combine all ingredients. Place in pie dish (dependant on dish you may need to grease the bottom) cover with Puff Pastry, and brush with whisked Egg. Sprinkle Sesame Seeds.

Cover loosely with Alfoil and bake in a Preheated Oven of 180degrees for 15minutes. Then remove Alfoil and continue to bake for 20-25mins, or until top is golden and crunchy.


Originally this recipe was for double all ingredients, but I didn't feel the need for such a large pie.. Nor do I have a pie dish big enough! 

*Side note two, whilst re-baking this recipe I decided to try it in mini pie format... And to be honest, I prefer it! Mini pies made by quartering puff pastry, placing the wet ingredients in the middle, then slicing small cuts into the four corners and sides. Then wrapping it up like a parcel.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


heavy clouds.
soft floating clouds.
clouds full and bursting.
ever changing.
clear clouds.
picture clouds.
clouds that drift.
clouds that fly.

Clouds take my imagination. They take it away to a place where Care Bears live. Where wishing chairs fly and magic trees grow wild. Where beanstalks climb and harps sing...

Pinned Image


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cranberry Breakfast Bars

Cranberries make me feel a little bit Christmas-y...

Pinned Image

Ok, so quite a lot Christmas-y.

It doesn’t take much to tip me over into way to early Christmas excitement. I’m pretty much there already. Christmas songs are getting the sly play every now and again… Christmas tags may or may not have been purchased on etsy… I’m like an elf… But the difference is I'm just slooowwwly getting prepared for the day..

Amongst my searching for decorating ideas, I became distracted by the thought of cooking with cranberries.. Baking with cranberries.. Who bakes.. Nigella bakes! Google Nigella and cranberries.. 

Cranberry Breakfast Bars. High five Nigella! 

I'll admit, I did a little happy dance.

I've been wanting to try muesli bars for a while now, but it’s been quite hard to find a recipe that wasn't too complicated. Because let’s be honest.. I like to bake, but if the recipe calls for too many ingredients, or has too many steps… I'm out.

Cranberry Breakfast Bars

But I do love a melt and mix recipe. It makes baking easy. I found Nigella's original recipe here. Although I played with the amounts, I only really added in a touch a white chocolate chips, just for a little treat! But with the moulding ingredients of warmed condensed milk and rolled oats, you could really do this with any flavours. Hazelnuts and dark chocolate with candied orange.. Dried mango and coconut.. Mmm.. Mango...


  • 1 can skim condensed milk *
  • Almost 3 cups of rolled oats
  • 1 cup cranberries
  • 3/4 cup shredded coconut
  • 1 cup peanuts chopped ( I added a handful of chopped walnuts and pecans too)
  • 1 cup of mixed seeds (I used sunflower kernels, pepitas and pine nuts)
  • Handful (or two) of white chocolate chips - optional

Preheat to oven to 150degrees. 
Line a large baking tray with baking paper. 
Warm the condensed milk on the stovetop slowly, stirring occasionally. 
Mix all ingredients into a bowl, stir warm milk through.

Bake in the oven for an hour, remove when slightly golden on top. 
Cool for 15minutes and then slice into squares. 
It helps to let it set just a little for slicing, as when it cools completely, it's harder to slice.

* I used skim milk as I'm trying to be health concious here! Also, full flavoured condensed milk may add a little too much sweetness to the bars for my liking.


Ps, all this talk of cranberries... 
Is anyone else singing.. Zombie, Zombie, Zombie-eh-eh-eh-eh........?

Friday, October 7, 2011


Have you ever had a dream that you thought was impossible? 

Maybe impossible is the wrong word.

Have you ever had a dream that you perhaps like dreaming about, more than the actual reality of it..?

I have one of those dreams.

It's a cake store... With a library. Or a book store. Or even a book swap. Or all three. Basically it's a cake store, with a load of books.

Fresh flowers would adorn every table, in sweet little jars. 
All the tea cups would be mismatched, the pastries and cakes would be served on small tiered servers. So not to block your view of the other people you're with.

It's a dream I think more and more about. I plan my menus. I imagine my store. The produce I would sell and the window displays I would create. 

It's all there in my imagination.

But for some reason I'm terrified of making it a reality.

Is it because half the fun is dreaming about it? That in my mind my picture perfect store with white washed chairs can never go into financial ruin, or get bad reviews, or have bad employees...? That in my imagination my cakes always taste amazing and are never dry?

Once, not so long ago, I was offered a job in a cupcake store, to do the front counter. I turned it down due to other commitments at the time.  But this afternoon, as I daydreamed about my forks and spoons being tied with twine, I found myself biting my lip with the tiniest amount of regret.  If I had taken the job. Would I be closer to my little dream? Would I have more of the necessary experience to make it all possible? 

Obviously there is no point squandering my time on such thoughts now. 

But it really, honestly, made me think today. That perhaps this little dream of mine isn't impossible. Maybe the only thing holding me back is fear.

Maybe I just need more practice. More experience. Maybe that time is now...?

I made a mini decision today. A mini decision to set me on the road to my little store. 

I would start practising more. Creating more. Changing recipes to suit my needs. Failure or not. I decided not to let that bother me. That the only way I can come closer to this little yellow store with white chairs and sweet treats, would be to practice. Baking. A lot.

It's only a small step. But hey, it's a step right?

So today I baked some lemon and raspberry muffins, adapting (yet again) this recipe. I used plain flour instead of wholemeal. Adjusted the sugar levels. Added an egg. 

And had an eggy failure.


I am undeterred. Tomorrow I attempt red velvet cupcakes. 

Every new recipe I try, I can add to my menus. To my special high tea menus... To my little dream kitchen.. To my little kitchen - book store... 


Sunday, October 2, 2011


When you're a child. You pick your friends based on who's the most fun

Or because you both hated chasey, so you would slink off to the monkey bars together and spend hours hanging upside down giggling instead.

You didn't really sit down and think about it. 

"Hmm, I would like my friend to be kind, and loyal. Fair but challenging and interesting."

That never happened.

As I've gotten older, I've met new people and made new friends, and continued to cherish my older friends. But sometimes it's just so funny how these things turn out. It's really hit me how much I value a supportive friend. Not only a fun friend, but someone who is there for you too. A friend who will encourage you and remember tiny details that even you forget yourself at times (ahem.. 16th of May day) A friend who loves you regardless, and all of your silly, pointless, crazy over the top ideas.  They listen to you, hear you out, sit back and say.. 

You know, you could do that. 

It's all of these tiny valuable attributes that make a beautiful friend. 
I feel lucky to have those friends. 
Those gorgeous supportive friends, who listen to my constantly changing and occasionally, seemingly, impossible ideas... 

"Let's build a giant NOSE for the dance item." 
"We'll DO IT!!"

Or who support my ever changing interior design ideas..

"I think we should paint a chalkboard wall and paint the kitchen yellow!" 
"Let's do it!"

Or those friends who listen to my little stories, and tell me they are the best stories they've ever heard. Or read my blog and constantly let me know their thoughts.

I value each and every single one of you so so much. You make my days brighter, and my life just that little bit easier by knowing I have you around..


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It's amazing how you can have a little time away... A little time in your own world.. And fall ever so far away from the comings and goings of life.. 

Recently I've taken a little break from all things.... Technological.. For use of a better phrase.

Initially I thought that if I had some time, my stories would flow more, images would come to mind, stories I would want to share would be itching to be released from my ever tapping fingertips.

I was pretty much right (happens a lot really...)

Another thing that I realised, which to be completely honest I wasn't expecting, was just how much I missed writing. How much I missed the challenge of creating something new. Something individual. Something just for me....

So although I do have a million and one little stories to share.. I'll save them up and share them with you oh so very soon.. 

In the meantime, I'll leave you with these little images that are making me smile.. 

Squawking Geese that make me giggle. 

Sunny Happy Daffodils..

Baking with my amazing birthday present..

And pretty kitty's who inspire stories..


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Springtime Sunshine

It finally seems as though winters chill and icy mornings have started to fade away.. To give breath to the crisp morning sunshine and blooming gorgeousness that is spring.

The flowers in my garden have begun to bloom, sending an overwhelming sweetness into the air.. The lolling scent of jasmine rolls softly through my open doors and windows, quietly reminding me that spring is here, and that summer is officially on it's way..

This has definitely become my most favourite time of year. Ever so slowly you start to notice the changes in the air.. The persistent sunshine is just glorious, the clear skies an iridescent blue.. It almost feels like the sunshine is chasing those grey winter clouds away. I can't wait for longer days, breakfasts eaten outside, and freshly picked flowers adorning every window sill and table top I can find..

I hope that wherever you are, you're enjoying the sunshine and blooming flowers as much as me..


Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Burst of Colour

Giant bursts of colour have definitely made an impact on the fashion scene lately.  The bright electric pinks, the sunshine yellows. Colours that make anybody smile.

This combination is one that I absolutely adore. The mix of colour blocking, and the maxi skirt, pieced together with the oversized yellow clutch and sandals. It just feels like summer doesn't it?

Unfortunately for me us, we can only hope this trend will continue on into our summer, which hopefully, isn't too long away... Until then! How can we make this work in winter?  These are a few of my favourite bright and colourful pieces..


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Carrot Cake

Birthdays are the best.  

Cake is the best.

It's not hard to see why these two go together so well.

Seeing as I love baking, and I also love birthdays.. When my bestie's birthday rolled around, I slyly (or perhaps not so slyly..) sussed out her favourite types of cake.. Her response was Lemon Meringue Pie.. This scared me slightly. 

Actually it scared me a lot.

Quite a lot..

So instead! I baked her a Carrot Cake.

Because deep down I know she loves Carrot Cake too.

Or at least she does now..

carrot cake

I used Donna Hay's recipe, it's a very simple recipe if you break it down.  I always get flummoxed by recipes with a ton of ingredients and steps.  So with this one I took the time to break it down, separate the instructions and re write it out.  Substituting the sultana's for walnuts, I was pretty happy with the result! Hopefully my bestie was too!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Black and White

Black and White photography just makes me happy.  There is something about the classic look, and simpleness of Black and White photography that I just love. These are two pictures I took on some of our recent little adventures.. From StyleAid 2011, to late night wines at Wolfe Lane...

From fashion parade's and tasting new champagnes..


To late night wines and surprisingly styled snap shots.. 


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Loves Potential

This weeks tune of the week (and many of the past few weeks really) is Somebody That I Used To Know, by Gotye. 

I remember, maybe, three or possibly even four years ago.. A wonderful friend named Sophie, came sprinting up to me, breathless with excitement that she, had just sat next to Gotye all through a concert. She worked up the nerve to greet him, and that he was so friendly and kind, they spoke for hours even after the concert, and it made her love his music even more. 

At that time I didn't even know who Gotye was.  But I sure looked him up after that. And also, fell in love with his tunes.. I heard an interview with him on Triple J the other day, and he summed this song up by saying it's about what could have been, loves potential.

His new album will be released on a very lovely date in August, the 19th in fact!

With this song as an indicator, I will definitely be first in line to purchase it..


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mr. Bird

Didn't you know? Why, it's almost time for me to go! I have my bag, and yes, I have my hat. If I do not hurry I will be in such a flap. My wings will be flustered, my beak will be sharp. This pavement feels like snow, and it gave me such a start! I'm sorry, I do have such a long way to travel, that there isn't much time for my story to unravel. 

I'm on my way to a party you see, where there are many other birds, in hats, just like me. Ohh how I long to see this hidden house in the woods. Below tree trunks and leaf lumps, all hidden in a nook. There, this magical house hides, where it's warm and cosy and lovely inside. A place for only some eyes to see, a special place, that I long to be.  It has roaring fires and birds knitting hats. Roasting seeds, nuts and treats.. Ahh, there's not much better than that. 

I really must be off, I'm sorry, I really can't wait. I'm most excited for this party, it will be such an exceptional date! It was lovely to meet you, oh yes indeed. Perhaps next time we cross paths, I won't be rushing with such speed. Until that day, take care my friend! It was lovely to meet you, I do hope we meet again..


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coconut Choc Chip Biscuits

I love it when people ask me to bake.

Normally it's me forcing all my foods onto others. Then waiting extremely impatiently, tapping my foot and staring until someone, anyone! Gives me an answer. 

This afternoon, upon a friends horror of finding I did not have any baked goods in the house a request, I invented some Coconut Chocolate Chip Biscuits..


  • 125gms Butter Softened
  • 3/4 cup White Sugar (or brown sugar if you prefer)
  • Dash Vanilla Essence
  • 2 cups Plain Flour (sifted)
  • 1 teaspoon of Baking Powder 
  • 1 cup Dessicated Coconut
  • 1 tablespoon of nutella (optional)
  • 3/4 cup chopped chocolate (I used a mix of white chocolate, milk chocolate chips and dark chocolate chopped)

Cream together butter, sugar and vanilla essence. Fold in flour, baking powder and coconut. If you want the nutella, add it in now. Stir through chocolate chunks and chips. Roll into little balls and bake in a preheated oven of 200degree's for 10-12minutes.

This recipe made about 40 small biscuits, which no word of a lie, I have less than half left.. They disappeared within minutes of taking them out of the oven. 


ps, I realise this is the second chocolate coconut combination I've shared lately. I promise it's the last!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lilac Love

Lately on all my shopping expeditions, I've been searching for something lilac. In store I haven't found much, but I discovered these pretty little pieces on line today.. I'm especially in love with the lilac edged umbrella! Perfect for brightening up our occasionally rainy winter days. I'm hoping that come our summer, lilac and purple hues will have found their little way into my wardrobe..

dELiAs: Solid Ruffle Two For Dress.
UrbanOutfitters: Clear Bubble Umbrella.
Topshop: Lilac Contrast Triple Keeper Leather Belt.
Opi: Do You Lilac It.


Tuesday Tunes.

The first time I heard this song I was instantly on Triple J's webpage searching to find who was responsible for this beautiful sound.. It's one of those tunes that doesn't matter how many times I hear it, I just love it more and more. I hope you like it too..

Jungle, by Emma Louise.



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Camera Story..

Once upon a time, a group of girls had breakfast overlooking the beach.. They consumed perhaps one too many bottles of champagne and afterwards, wandered down to the beach for a few happy snaps and to soak up the first rays of the summer sunshine...

That was the day my camera died.

It died.  Sand in the lens. It made the most pathetic, sad little whirring sound.. Jammed like the little filter when the fishes try to escape on Finding Nemo.

It took me many more months than I'd like to admit, to build up the courage to take it in to get fixed.. Seeing as it was only two months old... I had the major guilts for breaking my birthday gift so soon after receiving it.

Until today!!

I finally put my camera in to be fixed over the weekend (fessing up to my failure whilst at it - the very reason for my prolonged avoidance) and today, picked it up again! Lens fixed, pretty and clean, with no sad whirring sounds to be heard! 

So naturally, I went down the river to take a few snaps before the sun set... 

Black and White Sunsets


I'm oh so excited to finally have a camera again! No more beach visits though..

The End.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Croissant Love

Breakfast is definitely my most favourite meal of the day....... 

To dine out for! 

I've stated on here before about my lack of ability to conjure up a great breakfast during the week.. I have overcome this with healthy breakfast muffin options, and most recently trying as many juice flavours as possible! Apple, carrot and ginger.. Watermelon, apple and pear... Ahh, these flavours of fruity goodness have replaced my weekday morning coffee and keeps me going for hours!

But I digress, healthy weekend breakfasts don't seem as fun.. And although we are happily making our way through every breakfast spot in Perth, our most current favs being Sayers in Leedy and Toast in East Perth.. It is sometimes nice to spend those extra few hours on the couch as the rain falls, making extra cups of French coffees and ginger teas..

Aaaaand mostly recently? Making croissants.. 

Now, I could tell a tall tale and talk about how I made my own pastry and found it really easy..  

But I won't. 

I wouldn't do that to you.

Come weekend mornings, I am lazy. L A Z Y.

I just want to curl up and read my blogs with a very large cup of coffee to sip slowly...
And let my Croissants bake all luscious and golden in the oven..
Simplest recipe ever.
It's not even really a recipe, it's that simple.


  • Puff Pastry Sheet cut either in squares or triangle
  • Flavoured filling
  • 1 egg for making golden and pretty croissants

That's it!! 

Cut your defrosted Puff Pastry sheet in to your preferred shape. I use squares, but triangles are just as easy.  Spread your filling into the middle, roll up, curl the ends inwards, brush with egg and pop in the oven on a baking papered tray!  Bake for about ten minutes or so, until golden brown.

Yum! I've been doing Nutella Croissants, and my boyfriend has been loving the Jam Croissants (Side note! For Jam Croissants you must pinch the pastry ends together tight!! Or else the Jam goes everywhere..) There are so many flavour options, the possibilities are endless!


PS, if you wanted to get all fancy and make your own from scratch? Try this recipe, it was the cutest one I found.. But if Puff Pastry is good enough for Nigella, it's good enough for me!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tails and Trunks.

Every now and again you need a push for your imagination to grow.. 

I have been building my little elephant inspiration board, finding pictures that give me ideas and giggles. In the hope that they will find their little way into my ever so slooowly developing story..

I'm so excited to have two whole weeks of holidays coming up in which to really focus on my writing... To continue finding adorable pictures like this, that are just too cute to not be shared! 

And yes, a little trunk tail holding might just find it's way into my little storybook...


Monday, July 4, 2011


A smile is contagious.
I choose to smile every day.

Joy is contagious.
I choose joy every day. 

joy, joi
- noun

The emotion of great delight or happiness cause by something exceptionally good
or satisfying; keen  pleasure; elation.


Friday, July 1, 2011


Today celebrates what would have been Princess Diana's 50th Birthday. Even fourteen years after her tragic passing, she remains, to this day, iconic and adored by all.  Watching the news reports this morning of her humanitarian work, life as a Princess and also as a Mother, almost bought tears to my eyes. To celebrate her life, I have found some of my most favourite images of Princess Diana to share... 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Annabel Lee

On my 16th birthday my Mother gifted me an edition of The Norton Anthology of Poetry. I read it over many years.. And am still occasionally finding the odd poem I've never read before.. But the very first poem I stumbled across has been the one that I have remembered the most..

Annabel Lee..

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Edgar Allen Poe

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Soft pastels and whimsical yellow tones, give the impression that these magical moving horses seem to glide effortlessly through the picture, and right into my imagination.. Glimmering lights and prancing ponies. I can almost smell the popcorn and hear the jingle of their shimmering silver bells.. Dancing happily on this magical turning carousel..
