Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday 22nd March.

Over the weekend I spent some many hours, watching my boyfriend play cricket.  Now by watching - I mean laying in the sun daydreaming, watching the clouds...and my most favourite part? Waiting for the squirrels.. I laid under the tree's engrossed by the patterns the leaves made, how half dipped in brown they looked. Almost like chocolate covered leaves, light green and sunburnt brown.

The trunks intertwine, leaning on each other - giving off the impression of being much older than I know these trees to be.. These trees are home to the squirrels, the only squirrels in our little town.  I lay under them for hours, hoping to catch a glimpse of these sneaky little creatures - but they know me now. They know that I am too excitable. Too anxious to see them.  So they continue to hide from me... Unless (and quite likely) they are much more clever than I.. And perhaps on such days, not even in their trees at all. Perhaps they are already hiding in the bushes - giggling at my patience and waiting..


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