Sunday, May 1, 2011

Will Loves Kate.

Ahh, the royal wedding.. I didn't realise how much of a Royalist I was until Friday.  I was so excited to see the Royals.  All their waving and bad fascinators.. There is such a romantic notion about a monachary really.. I think it's the tradition that gets me.. So I decided to go with said tradition and celebrate by having a High Tea (with a slight twist on drinking champagne instead of tea...) for my lovely girlfriends. I baked all day (and possibly Thursday too) then sprinted around to five different bakeries for scones, yes, FIVE bakeries! Until I gave up on the scones idea.  I felt a little guilty having a high tea on a Royal Wedding Day without scones.. But! My beautiful friends came to the rescue, turning up with delicious home made jams and scones! What gorgeous friends I have!

We four sat down to an afternoon celebration in my little garden with a four tiered pink cake, mini quiches, cucumber sandwiches and other treats.  I enjoyed the preparation just as much as I enjoyed my darling girlfriends reactions when they sat down to eat.  

As the sun started to fade we settled down inside on the couch with our champagnes and eventually tea cups full, waiting for the balcony kiss..


Initially I was more excited to do all the baking and decorating than the wedding itself.. But by the end of the afternoon, we were enthralled, glued to the t.v, feeling a little bit like we were apart of history.

As a young girl I wanted to marry Prince William, purely so I could be a Princess.  I did feel a teeny twinge of envy when I saw the Duchess of Cambridge climb ever so gracefully into that amazing carriage with Prince William there to take her hand.. Sigh.. But I guess, at the end of the day.....

Hope lives on...


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